Monday, October 23, 2017

Why is music important?

Music is important to me because it can change your everything and how you carry yourself. Music is important to me because it gives you that ability To change your mood and affect the way people act or feel. Music can get you through hard times and make the good times even better. The way the speed of the music is played and the words that give each song its importance.
     Listening to music that is fast paced and motivating can help people go through hard times and the good times. Music is also a cultural and a community that you are apart of and how much it is able o bring people together. Music can turn a group of people who are against each other to eliminate a division and make one.

Human Nature

Human nature is important to everyone because it makes people who they are. It makes everyone unique in their own way. Without human nature the world would be ruled by sadness and lack of personality or anything outside of the normal realm of the popular or mainstream way of doing things.Without human nature there wouldn't be any discovery.
       I believe these things throughout personal experiences. If everyone was the same daily things wouldn't be right. If everyone had the same opinion and didn't have their own nature nothing would feel right. This affects daily life such as: sports, religion, eating, culture and just basics ways of life that would not be the same without your own personal nature.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Week 8 Comments

Matthew Fall Break Free Post

Evan Meek, Hunger Games Response

Monday, October 9, 2017

Final Exorcist Response

The mood towards the end of the book is very different from the beginning. Every page is like walking around an eery corner. At first everything is just curiosity and wondering what happens next. Every detail he gives towards the end will make you cringe up.  Some of the details will make you stop wanting to read but the background information will make you want to continue.
   The author has done of a good job of conveying a possible theme throughout the book. The theme is how do we deal with evil? How does one  learn to cope with all the bad while trying to focus on the good. The answer is there is no way to completely deal with evil but also not to succumb to all the evil. The issues in this story all magnify these themes in my opinion.

Fall Break

During Fall Break I played soccer and visited my family. My family came in from the Canary Islands. My Uncle is really good at speaking Spanish. We watched the World Cup Qualifying games together. My aunt makes a really good casserole that we all eat around the camp fire and sing the camp fire song. The camp fire song is sung lie this, "Let us all gather around the campfire and sing the camp fire song. C-A-M-P F-I-RE song." This Verse is repeated 7 times.
    After visiting my family I hangout with my friends during the weekend. I got to see one of my good friends who had to wrongfully go to another school. It was very cool and fun to see him again. We stayed up and hardcore gamed all night long. We woke up and ate snails that were left. Overall fall break was very fun.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Week 7 Comments.

Muskaan- Flash Fiction

Flash Fiction by Grace

Monday, October 2, 2017


This story was very compelling and the way that the author  confused me so much that it kept me hooked is great. There was not a time throughout the story where I was uninterested at any given time. I also thought that the word choice was not great but the detail that was given throughout made up for it.
   Throughout the entire story the characters change throughout which is nice because you have to pay attention. Very subtle things are said that turn the whole story but they are very small yet vivid detail. A theme that was throughout this short story was the idea that everything good comes with something bad. I felt that it was a very personable story and it told a story.

100 Word Story

Once upon a time there was a little boy named Kcabdeef, who wondered the forests of He then came across one of his rivals, Smrichtenzcuff, who was a ravaged young boy. The two were rivals because they would not agree on their favorite schnitzel. Smrichtenzcuff loved the watermelon schnitzel but Kcabdeef loved the blue cherry schnitzel. Kcabdeef raided all of the factories that made the watermelon schnitzels. This made Smrichtenzcuff rage. Smrichtenzcuff decided to raid Kcabdeef's factories full of the blue cherry schnitzels.  They both tried new schnitzels but neither like their new flavors, they both missed their old schnitzels. They agreed to try to reinvent their old schnitzels. They made a much bigger,  tastier schnitzel and they were best friends.