Sunday, January 28, 2018

Research Project Week 3 Post

My project is on The Silk Road. the Silk Road wasn't just a road as many people think.The Silk Road was a system of intricate trade routes throughout the Middle East. These trade routes were building blocks for the surrounding areas due to the economic factors that the Silk Road provided. The Silk Road is important to history because it was one of the first known major trade routes. Keep in mind that there were no cars or planes to deliver the goods. Most of the travel was done on foot or done by camels, due to the fact they do not need as much waters another animals. The goods were sold or traded for profit and often made business men very wealthy.
       Although the Silk Road was very important and overall very good to many people, it did have downsides. One downside of the Silk Road was the productivity and use of the Silk Road was based on he politics of surrounding areas. If areas had certain political unrest that area of the Silk Road was most likely not very productive. This means that there was not always a stable supply of goods or business means.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Reading Response Week 3

The book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie has been very interesting so far. I have found that the stereotypes throughout the book have been inaccurate but some have been true. I enjoy seeing the view of another teenage boy and it is interesting to see how he thinks. I have found that the illustrations throughout the book so far have made the book. Without these illustrations I feel as if the purpose of this book would not get across and you would not be able to actually see how he feels.
    I am really enjoying reading this book. I feel that it gives an insight, whether that insight is true or false to the way high schools and schools around the world are. I feel that this book also looks at problems that we are facing as a community such as racism, prejudice and bullying. I cannot wait to read more of this book.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Student Prompt Trust

A group of People I trust is my friend group. The group of people I trust the most is my friend group because they always have my back. I can trust them because I can tell them something and it will stay between us. I have also known them for a long time and they are very important to me. I like hanging out with them because hey are funny but at the same time they can be serious when they need to be. They mess with each other and sometimes will get mad but in the end it always gets worked out.
               No matter what I know they will have my back no matter what happens. We get into arguments but they don't really matter. My friends are very important to me and I m not sure what I would do without them

Friday, January 19, 2018

Research Post

My research is going very well. I like my topic and feel that I can write a thoughtful paper on it. I think using Gale was the right choice because  all the sources are resourceful and trustworthy. I feel like I am able to keep up with the work and I am understanding the instructions. The project has been difficult because it is a lot of work but it is all important. All parts are very important.
    I feel that I will do very well on this project because I have the correct work and I feel that the topic I chose is something I can write a thorough response to. I feel like I will have difficulty  in small areas like citations and some grammar errors in my writing.

Free Post

It snowed again in Louisiana. I am not sure how this happened twice in two months. The roads near my house froze over so much I could ice skate on them. After realizing I was tearing my skates up I biked through the Ice and fell a lot. I realized that this was a terrible idea yet, it was hilarious. I decided to play soccer in the snow which resulted in numbness of my feet for two hours but it was worth it.
      I like and dislike not having school because when school is cancelled so is soccer but I also like it because I can put in the work on Fortnite and Fifa. Overall I think snow in Louisiana is really fun because it rarely happens and people are not really sure how to react and respond accordingly when it snows.