Monday, April 30, 2018

Strengths and Challenges

I will first start off with my strengths and what I feel that I was able to improve on and strengthen this year. I felt that throughout the year I had a good voice when writing. I think that I was able to convey what I was saying in a good writer's voice. I felt that I was also able to get the ideas I needed and attempt to write them down without any organization. I felt that organization was a challenge for me this year but by doing essays and consistently writing blog posts my organization has become somewhat better.
     This class overall has helped me strengthen what I felt comfortable with but also helped me with things that I had struggled with. By writing papers and blogs every week I have had more opportunities to practice and work on these skills every week which has been extremely helpful.

Hits and Misses

For the hits and misses I will start with a hit. I felt that eve though I struggled with the DBQ essay I still did well on it. I have never done well on a DBQ paper because I was not really sure how to put and tie all the information together. I think that this DBQ process has helped me become a better and more intricate stay writer. I think that the process helped me grow and gave me an understanding of how to complete a thorough DBQ essay. I also think my persona narrative was a hit but It was also a miss. I am not too sure why I did so poorly on my narrative paper. I think it was because I lacked and had forgotten actual writing concepts and wrote freely.
    I think that I did have misses but all of my misses effected me positively. I have grown from these misses and it has given me more ability as a writer and as a better reader. I did not do well on my narrative because I had not learned the great skills that had yet to come in this class. After learning these skills and applying them to my other papers, I feel that I take fewer L's and enjoy writing more.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Purple Hibiscus Response

Purple Hibiscus so far has been very interesting to read. It is interesting to see how a family acts when it has different culture and beliefs. You would think before reading this book that there is a stereotypical family life envisioned. By reading this book it gives further insight on how a family could act and could think. They are very few books that give a view of what it is like to live in an abusive family. Kambili shows how she is still loyal to Papa even though her and her family have been abused. She still listens to Papa and wants to follow his every intersection. In fact, she is very wary of Papa Nnukwu being at Aunty's House while she is there.
     Throughout this book there has been many ups and downs. I am pleasantly surprised that I have enjoyed reading this book. It can be vey hard to read because of the abuse and the emotional discomfort that the family has come upon. Overall I am looking forward to reading this book and seeing the ending.

What sports team has disappointed you?

The prompt I chose for this week's blog post is "What sports team has disappointed you?" Recently my favorite soccer team, Manchester City, was eliminated from the Champions League. They had dominated the Premier League all year long. In the first leg of the Champions League they got blown out by Salah and Liverpool. The score was 3-0. I watched this game and could honestly not comprehend what was occurring. I expected Manchester City to win by 3, not lose by 3. They also lost the Manchester Derby which was extremely disappointing. The Manchester Derby is Manchester United and Manchester City play each other. In the second leg of the champions League which is when Liverpool and Manchester City play again. The aggregate score was 3-0 going into the game. Manchester City needed a 3 or more goal differential to advance into the semifinals. Of course they scored first giving me a lovely layer of false hope. They lost to the hands of Salah and Liverpool. They did not advance.
               Recently my team has been extremely disastrous. Last year they were one of the worst teams and it was very hard to cheer for them. recently it has been extremely difficult because they did not advance in the most important games of the year. I have learned not to set my hopes too high because I would probably will be underwhelmed. As any sad fan would say, There is always next year.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Political Post

In this article it explains the chemical attacks in Syria that has reportedly killed over 40 people and injured more. It explains what President Trump says about the recent attacks and what actions he would take. It is reported that President Trump has threatened Syria with an airstrike amongst the actions. President Trump believes that the Syrian Government is involved. In this article it is also questioned what other countries were involved or if any other countries were involved.
       I chose this article from Fox because I believe they are the least biased and most reliable news source. I have always been intrigued with the military and government and how they respond to these attacks. I also chose this article because I agree with Mr. Trump's planned actions and I feel that military action is necessary when it comes to Syria which is an ongoing issue. I believe that the loss of innocent lives is tragic especially when your own government is performing the attacks. I think that the planned actions Trump has taken will be good for the future. I think these actions will be great but could also have backlash for our country because It could start political discourse amongst other countries but it would also resolve an ongoing issue.