Monday, September 18, 2017


Marleau and Lance have lost their dog. They find out that it was one of them who had left the gate open. They hear barking in the distance and start their search. They will soon find out it wasn't either of them. Based on a true story.

Marleau: "Lance, You left the gate open!"

Lance: " I thought you left the gate open?!"

Marleau: "Do you hear that?"

Lance: "Hear is a dog barking!"

Marleau: "Let's go look!"

Lance: "Get the keys."

Marleau: "Is that him?"

Lance: "Yes it is! Georgie!"

Marleau: "The Lowe's people must have left the gate open!"

Reading Response To Personal Narrative

I think that there are definitely some things that I need to work on when it comes to my personal narrative. One of which, being my organization. I think that there are parts of the story that are in vivid detail I just haven't applied them the correct way. My next issue is relevancy. I have short vivid details here and there but they are not completely relevant to the story. I need to work on the way the climax is presented. I have a couple of parts throughout the narrative that could be the climax but it is not given enough detail.
      There are also some things that I have done particularly well. I think that I have a very good introductory that hooks people into reading more. I also think that when it comes to organization I am good except for a couple of times. This story is also very personal to mean it was easy to be passionate about and provide the thoughts I had.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Week 4 comments

Matthew B


Monday, September 11, 2017

Current Response To Exorcist

In this book the author has done a great job keeping me hooked. He uses word choice that keeps you interested and makes it apparent he's not twelve. He also has the right amount of plot twists. I do not read very many thrillers because there are too many twists throughout and the book is too much too concentrate. He keeps the story interesting and gives you that suspenseful feeling about what happens next. He keeps a very good balance of being able to understand but also keeps you thinking.
       I anm not  a hue fan of thrillers but something I look for in a good book is literary devices. He uses some symbolism but it is hard to pick up on. He subtly uses foreshadowing at the beginning that later makes sense and then you have that moment where everything clicks for a second. He has a done a very good job ad has made this an interesting read for me to continue.

Dear 14 Year Old

Dear 14 Year Old,

Do not let other people's opinion matter. What they say does not matter. It is what you think and feel about yourself that truly matters. Worry about the people that will actually worry about you. Do not waste your time on people that do not care about you. Be yourself and keep your morales. Once you are stripped down something you will always have is your pride and dignity.
    Throughout everything that happens put everything into perspective. Think about if certain, stupid things happen if it is worth your time and energy. Drama is not worth your time or anything. Stay focused on school, family, friends, and extracurricular activities. Worry about the things that will worry back. Put things into the perspective of the whole world. Is an illness or disease going to matter more than someone starting something for attention? Yes. Be yourself and be careful.

Sincerely, a 15 Year Old

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Juliana-Hurricane Katrina
Naya-Hurricane Katrina

Summer Experience

A fun summer experience that I had was going to Bay St. Louis, MS with my friends and the EHS soccer team. It was a chance to prove that even being one of the youngest I can still compete at high level. Being able to compete at that high intensity and fighting for every ball with people older is a great experience that I will never forget.
   During the camp we played a number of scrimmages vs people.  I switched every other time between varsity and junior varsity. Playing on both early helped me with a learning experience because at higher levels you must think constantly. I liked playing with all the older Episcopal kids because I was a chance to prove myself to them and to the coaches. I will hopefully play alongside them this year. I look forward to all future camps and  I would definitely say this was one of the highlights of my summer.

Soccer (Free Post)

I have been playing soccer since I was 4 and I haven't stopped playing since. I love the gamed everything about it. I have played for Rec. teams, EHS, and most importantly BRSC. Playing soccer and waking up for those awfully scheduled morning games, is something I want to continue for a long time. 
    The way soccer makes me feel is crazy. That feeling of sprinting to get a ball and making sure whoever you're playing gets embarrassed and has their pride torn into two. That feeling of taunting someone until they call the ref over and start crying. Playing for your team an your Club name is a very important reason I feel this way about soccer. Playing for the name on the front is far better than playing for the name on your back. Being able to play the game is something I'm grateful for an looking forward to in the future.

Great Gatsby Response

The Great Gatsby is a book and a story about betrayal and loyalty. Some times the characters had betrayed each other and they are sometimes loyal. The way the story is told is important because the tone of the story is very sneaky. This is important because the story wouldn't be the same without the tempo of this book.
  The way that Fitzgerald tells the story and keeps the book interesting and it always keeps yo wondering when the next action is about to occur. I think this is one of the reasons that this book has been popular for the amount of years that this book has been out. It gives an insight to the things that most people can be ignorant too. This was one of the most interesting and most of all, fun books to read. I enjoy this book and I'd strongly recommend it. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

9/11 Response

I read an article by scholastic about the 9/11 attacks. In the article is says that the terrorists hijacked two different planes and then flew into the Twin Towers in New York. Th third plane hit the pentagon and the fourth hit Arlington, Virginia. Around 3,000 people were killed because of these attacks. 19 terrorists had hijacked the four planes on their intended trip to mayhem.  All of the men work for Al Qaeda, a terrorist organization in the Middle East.
      The events that happened on this day are truly horrific. The way that they intended to destroy so many lives is heartless. 19 soul-less man took the lives of more than 3,000 people and the pride of America and all families involved. America grieved for a while but we came back stronger asa community. Taking military action against them and making what happened just again.  We wanted to kill whoever was responsible for these horrible actions and what they caused our country to feel. America came back sponge than ever ad has responded to every difficult situation because we came together.

The Exorcist Response

The book I am reading is The Exorcist. The reason I chose to start reading this book was because I wanted to test if I could be scared of a book. The author,  William Blatty, has the best word choice I have ever read in a book. The book is about a 12 yearly named Regan who gets possessed.
       He hooks you into reading and wanting to continue reading. This is a fairly important factor to me because reading is not my favorite thing yet, he still hooks me into reading more and more. The word choices very important as well, it adds a creepy suspense that should be in a thriller novel. There is always that guy feeling that will leave you hanging fora second and then make you wonder. It is a physiological scary that makes you think. The voice is very apparent throughout the novel.It adds that extra details that make you imagine everything going on in your head.