Thursday, September 7, 2017

Soccer (Free Post)

I have been playing soccer since I was 4 and I haven't stopped playing since. I love the gamed everything about it. I have played for Rec. teams, EHS, and most importantly BRSC. Playing soccer and waking up for those awfully scheduled morning games, is something I want to continue for a long time. 
    The way soccer makes me feel is crazy. That feeling of sprinting to get a ball and making sure whoever you're playing gets embarrassed and has their pride torn into two. That feeling of taunting someone until they call the ref over and start crying. Playing for your team an your Club name is a very important reason I feel this way about soccer. Playing for the name on the front is far better than playing for the name on your back. Being able to play the game is something I'm grateful for an looking forward to in the future.

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