Monday, October 9, 2017

Fall Break

During Fall Break I played soccer and visited my family. My family came in from the Canary Islands. My Uncle is really good at speaking Spanish. We watched the World Cup Qualifying games together. My aunt makes a really good casserole that we all eat around the camp fire and sing the camp fire song. The camp fire song is sung lie this, "Let us all gather around the campfire and sing the camp fire song. C-A-M-P F-I-RE song." This Verse is repeated 7 times.
    After visiting my family I hangout with my friends during the weekend. I got to see one of my good friends who had to wrongfully go to another school. It was very cool and fun to see him again. We stayed up and hardcore gamed all night long. We woke up and ate snails that were left. Overall fall break was very fun.

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