Monday, October 9, 2017

Final Exorcist Response

The mood towards the end of the book is very different from the beginning. Every page is like walking around an eery corner. At first everything is just curiosity and wondering what happens next. Every detail he gives towards the end will make you cringe up.  Some of the details will make you stop wanting to read but the background information will make you want to continue.
   The author has done of a good job of conveying a possible theme throughout the book. The theme is how do we deal with evil? How does one  learn to cope with all the bad while trying to focus on the good. The answer is there is no way to completely deal with evil but also not to succumb to all the evil. The issues in this story all magnify these themes in my opinion.


  1. After reading this post I definitely want to read this book! I like scary movies a lot and the way you described your book sounds intriguing.

  2. I might want to read this book. Is this what they made the movie from?
