Monday, October 23, 2017

Why is music important?

Music is important to me because it can change your everything and how you carry yourself. Music is important to me because it gives you that ability To change your mood and affect the way people act or feel. Music can get you through hard times and make the good times even better. The way the speed of the music is played and the words that give each song its importance.
     Listening to music that is fast paced and motivating can help people go through hard times and the good times. Music is also a cultural and a community that you are apart of and how much it is able o bring people together. Music can turn a group of people who are against each other to eliminate a division and make one.


  1. I agree with you that music is important. It is a good way to relieve stress. Good job!

  2. As an instrument player, I can agree that music is relaxing when listening to it, but I also feel that playing it can be stressful. Still, I liked your view and keep up the good work!

  3. I agree! I think music always makes everything better and can totally change a mood.

  4. I agree. Whenever I listen to music it changes my mood to what music I am listening to. Also your blog was very smooth and great fluency.

  5. I would have to agree. Music really does change my mood and I would imagine that it has the same affect on other people.

  6. I agree. Good music always puts me in a better mood, especially when I'm stressed out. Good post!

  7. I can relate to this amazing peace of work.
