Two Vocabulary Words: Tropical, Humid----11/6

Louisiana is a very humid state.This means that there is a lot of moisture in the air. Louisiana is known for being very humid because when it is hot the air is very wet and makes it miserable to run or do activities of any sort in. In the summer the air is very humid and hard to do activities in.
     The tropics is an area near the equator. The weather in the tropics is very tropical.  This mans that the weather is hot and steamy. Tropical weather is nice with activities because if you have tropical wether you are near cool water. 

LOTF Response 11/6

In Lord of The Flies I find the symbolism very interesting. Throughout the book he uses very subtle yet very good symbolism throughout the book. The word choice in this book pulls you as if you are apart of the book. This is interesting to me because he makes his gruesome scenes very gruesome but in other scenes that he is trying to get his point across he does so but using the right word choice to where it causes you to stop and think for a second about what is happening.
      I believe this is important throughout the book so far because this is one of the reasons this book has been such a success and must read book for young adult readers. This book has a special feeling when reading it like no other. This is in part to the word choice and symbolism. I believe this aspect is important in all books but Lord Of The Flies truly executes this.

Human Nature

Human  Nature is the nature in which humans interact with one another. I believes that humans are fundamentally good but different situations and variables may turn them to be something other than fundamentally good. I think we are set as a mold as first then everyone is put in different situations leading us to act and be different.
           I believe in this way because everyone is born an innocent child. These innocent children are put into awful situation and some have really good situations. Everyone responds differently to the position they are being put into. Some people are raised to be in a certain mold such as religion or race and they believe that they have to fit into this mold and it changed their true nature.

What is Trust?

Trust is very important but nobody has a true understanding of what trust is. Everyone has different definitions of trust and how they apply it to their daily lives. Trust is important because without it we would not have the bonds or relationships we have in our daily lives. Trust is something that can easily be broken or gained by different things that occur.
           My definition of trust is being able to rely on someone to do what they have said will be done. This is my definition, and everyone has their own. Being able to trust someone is very important because it bonds relationships. Trust is knowing that someone always has your back and is always there for you no matter what happens in the process. Trust is great.

Friday, December 1, 2017

LOTF Response

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.  Once there was this and that; and now--and the ship had gone. [... Jack refusing to give Piggy the floor when he has the conch...]
"The rules!" shouted Ralph.  "You're breaking the rules!"
"Who cares?"
Ralph summoned his wits.
"Because the rules are the only thing we've got!"
But Jack was shouting against him.
"Bollocks to the rules!  We're strong--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in and beat and beat and beat--!" (91)

I chose this passage because I feel that this incorporates the entire theme. This supports every them and mood of the story.  It talks about how the lawful world is slipping away and their ship of rescue has left. This also shows two very important characters and who they truly are as the characters. 
     This is an important section because it shows the character traits if two very important characters and shows the conflict and overall theme that the entirety of the book shows. It shows that Ralph is trying t keep everything together and slow things down and Jack only wanted to go full speed and hunt. It shows the rivalry and massive difference in two personalities and how they clash together in a world amongst utter chaos. 


There was once a father who had lost his dog. After losing his dog he went into a downward spiral. He could not control anything ad felt as if he was enclosed in a caged room. He found a picture of his dog and threw it away and burned it. The next day he received a letter in the mail addressed to him but from a tree. Inside the letter was the picture of his dog untouched. He cannot believe his eyes and burns it again. He starts to to hear barking noises in his house and believes he is going crazy. The barking  noises continue. He learns to live with these barking noises and lives a better life of understanding.

Caged Room: Reality
Picture of his Dog: memories
Barking noises: constant reminder of realization that he has lost his dog

The Idea of the story is he learns to live without his dog and learns to concur and overcome his troubles.

LOTF Thesis

My thesis is; Golding uses Biblical symbolism to further define the plot for Lord of The Flies. I chose this quote from LOTF to exemplify my thesis. "When he was secure in the middle he was in a little cabin screened off from the open space by a few leaves. He squatted down, parted the leaves, and looked out into the clearing. "
    I chose this quote because it is one of my personal favorite quotes in the book. I feel that this contributes to my thesis because amid all the chaos Simon finds sanctuary in a little space that he has found.  Amidst all of the chaos he is facing he finds a safe place to relax and reflect. I feel that this is heaven because amongst all the chaos in the real world heaven is the safe, eternal place.

Free Post Q2 Week 6

I have had many ups and downs as a freshman. I believe that overcoming obstacles is very important and a way to build your character.  This year has not been the best year for me so far but I am working to get there. Overcoming the adversity of family members dying, family members' surgeries,  and keeping everything together is very hard. Having a strong relationship with a friend helps a lot. 
       During this school year I have dealt with a lot of adversity and attempted to overcome. As f late it almost feels impossible to overcome. One of my friends has helped me with dealing with this.  Having a strong relationship with someone to turn to is very important with things like this. As a freshman nobody truly understands what is going on. Adults had it differently and do not know what it is like as a freshman. It is very frustrating. All in all overcoming adversity and having friends to turn to is very imprint and I'm not sure what I would do without them.