Friday, December 1, 2017

LOTF Response

The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.  Once there was this and that; and now--and the ship had gone. [... Jack refusing to give Piggy the floor when he has the conch...]
"The rules!" shouted Ralph.  "You're breaking the rules!"
"Who cares?"
Ralph summoned his wits.
"Because the rules are the only thing we've got!"
But Jack was shouting against him.
"Bollocks to the rules!  We're strong--we hunt!  If there's a beast, we'll hunt it down!  We'll close in and beat and beat and beat--!" (91)

I chose this passage because I feel that this incorporates the entire theme. This supports every them and mood of the story.  It talks about how the lawful world is slipping away and their ship of rescue has left. This also shows two very important characters and who they truly are as the characters. 
     This is an important section because it shows the character traits if two very important characters and shows the conflict and overall theme that the entirety of the book shows. It shows that Ralph is trying t keep everything together and slow things down and Jack only wanted to go full speed and hunt. It shows the rivalry and massive difference in two personalities and how they clash together in a world amongst utter chaos. 

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