Monday, March 5, 2018

Free Post EHS Soccer Season

Episcopal soccer has just ended and club soccer has just started. These two styles and the rosters of the team are very different. The Episcopal Knights 2017-2018 program has been one that has changed my life. Before playing high school soccer, I had no idea what dedication meant. My coaches and the players on my team were tremendous in whatever they did. We bonded as a group and were a family. One that was serious when we needed to be serious but also had laughs along the way.
         As most freshman have never played high school sports, it is very different but in the same sense makes you much better. By playing for your school instead of a club gives a whole new insight on what it means to represent something or someone. When wearing a Knights jersey you never feel so proud. When playing any sport for Episcopal it isn't just playing for your team. You play for the entire school and everyone who contributes to that school. It is not about the game itself, it is about how you represent what is on the front of your jersey.

1 comment:

  1. I would have to agree with the assessment that you are indeed representing our school. Hopefully next year you can have a successful and productive season since you will be a sophomore.
