Monday, September 11, 2017

Current Response To Exorcist

In this book the author has done a great job keeping me hooked. He uses word choice that keeps you interested and makes it apparent he's not twelve. He also has the right amount of plot twists. I do not read very many thrillers because there are too many twists throughout and the book is too much too concentrate. He keeps the story interesting and gives you that suspenseful feeling about what happens next. He keeps a very good balance of being able to understand but also keeps you thinking.
       I anm not  a hue fan of thrillers but something I look for in a good book is literary devices. He uses some symbolism but it is hard to pick up on. He subtly uses foreshadowing at the beginning that later makes sense and then you have that moment where everything clicks for a second. He has a done a very good job ad has made this an interesting read for me to continue.

1 comment:

  1. I don't really like thrillers either, but you made this book sound pretty good. The use of symbolism and plot twists make it sound like a book full of suspense!
