Monday, September 18, 2017


Marleau and Lance have lost their dog. They find out that it was one of them who had left the gate open. They hear barking in the distance and start their search. They will soon find out it wasn't either of them. Based on a true story.

Marleau: "Lance, You left the gate open!"

Lance: " I thought you left the gate open?!"

Marleau: "Do you hear that?"

Lance: "Hear is a dog barking!"

Marleau: "Let's go look!"

Lance: "Get the keys."

Marleau: "Is that him?"

Lance: "Yes it is! Georgie!"

Marleau: "The Lowe's people must have left the gate open!"


  1. Great use of speech tags; they made it very clear as to who was speaking. Also, the story was very understandable and non-ambiguous.

  2. I like the way you could write a simple story that was so easy to follow. Overall, this was a quick, enjoyable read.
