Sunday, January 28, 2018

Research Project Week 3 Post

My project is on The Silk Road. the Silk Road wasn't just a road as many people think.The Silk Road was a system of intricate trade routes throughout the Middle East. These trade routes were building blocks for the surrounding areas due to the economic factors that the Silk Road provided. The Silk Road is important to history because it was one of the first known major trade routes. Keep in mind that there were no cars or planes to deliver the goods. Most of the travel was done on foot or done by camels, due to the fact they do not need as much waters another animals. The goods were sold or traded for profit and often made business men very wealthy.
       Although the Silk Road was very important and overall very good to many people, it did have downsides. One downside of the Silk Road was the productivity and use of the Silk Road was based on he politics of surrounding areas. If areas had certain political unrest that area of the Silk Road was most likely not very productive. This means that there was not always a stable supply of goods or business means.

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