Monday, April 30, 2018

Hits and Misses

For the hits and misses I will start with a hit. I felt that eve though I struggled with the DBQ essay I still did well on it. I have never done well on a DBQ paper because I was not really sure how to put and tie all the information together. I think that this DBQ process has helped me become a better and more intricate stay writer. I think that the process helped me grow and gave me an understanding of how to complete a thorough DBQ essay. I also think my persona narrative was a hit but It was also a miss. I am not too sure why I did so poorly on my narrative paper. I think it was because I lacked and had forgotten actual writing concepts and wrote freely.
    I think that I did have misses but all of my misses effected me positively. I have grown from these misses and it has given me more ability as a writer and as a better reader. I did not do well on my narrative because I had not learned the great skills that had yet to come in this class. After learning these skills and applying them to my other papers, I feel that I take fewer L's and enjoy writing more.

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