Monday, April 9, 2018

Political Post

In this article it explains the chemical attacks in Syria that has reportedly killed over 40 people and injured more. It explains what President Trump says about the recent attacks and what actions he would take. It is reported that President Trump has threatened Syria with an airstrike amongst the actions. President Trump believes that the Syrian Government is involved. In this article it is also questioned what other countries were involved or if any other countries were involved.
       I chose this article from Fox because I believe they are the least biased and most reliable news source. I have always been intrigued with the military and government and how they respond to these attacks. I also chose this article because I agree with Mr. Trump's planned actions and I feel that military action is necessary when it comes to Syria which is an ongoing issue. I believe that the loss of innocent lives is tragic especially when your own government is performing the attacks. I think that the planned actions Trump has taken will be good for the future. I think these actions will be great but could also have backlash for our country because It could start political discourse amongst other countries but it would also resolve an ongoing issue.

1 comment:

  1. I like your ideas and detail to this article. I have read the article and see your standpoint on it. I hope you can post about more articles.
