Friday, April 13, 2018

Purple Hibiscus Response

Purple Hibiscus so far has been very interesting to read. It is interesting to see how a family acts when it has different culture and beliefs. You would think before reading this book that there is a stereotypical family life envisioned. By reading this book it gives further insight on how a family could act and could think. They are very few books that give a view of what it is like to live in an abusive family. Kambili shows how she is still loyal to Papa even though her and her family have been abused. She still listens to Papa and wants to follow his every intersection. In fact, she is very wary of Papa Nnukwu being at Aunty's House while she is there.
     Throughout this book there has been many ups and downs. I am pleasantly surprised that I have enjoyed reading this book. It can be vey hard to read because of the abuse and the emotional discomfort that the family has come upon. Overall I am looking forward to reading this book and seeing the ending.

1 comment:

  1. I like the detail in your writing and in your opinion. I hope you really liked the novel and its theme!
