Monday, September 11, 2017

Dear 14 Year Old

Dear 14 Year Old,

Do not let other people's opinion matter. What they say does not matter. It is what you think and feel about yourself that truly matters. Worry about the people that will actually worry about you. Do not waste your time on people that do not care about you. Be yourself and keep your morales. Once you are stripped down something you will always have is your pride and dignity.
    Throughout everything that happens put everything into perspective. Think about if certain, stupid things happen if it is worth your time and energy. Drama is not worth your time or anything. Stay focused on school, family, friends, and extracurricular activities. Worry about the things that will worry back. Put things into the perspective of the whole world. Is an illness or disease going to matter more than someone starting something for attention? Yes. Be yourself and be careful.

Sincerely, a 15 Year Old

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