Monday, September 18, 2017

Reading Response To Personal Narrative

I think that there are definitely some things that I need to work on when it comes to my personal narrative. One of which, being my organization. I think that there are parts of the story that are in vivid detail I just haven't applied them the correct way. My next issue is relevancy. I have short vivid details here and there but they are not completely relevant to the story. I need to work on the way the climax is presented. I have a couple of parts throughout the narrative that could be the climax but it is not given enough detail.
      There are also some things that I have done particularly well. I think that I have a very good introductory that hooks people into reading more. I also think that when it comes to organization I am good except for a couple of times. This story is also very personal to mean it was easy to be passionate about and provide the thoughts I had.

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