Friday, December 1, 2017

Free Post Q2 Week 6

I have had many ups and downs as a freshman. I believe that overcoming obstacles is very important and a way to build your character.  This year has not been the best year for me so far but I am working to get there. Overcoming the adversity of family members dying, family members' surgeries,  and keeping everything together is very hard. Having a strong relationship with a friend helps a lot. 
       During this school year I have dealt with a lot of adversity and attempted to overcome. As f late it almost feels impossible to overcome. One of my friends has helped me with dealing with this.  Having a strong relationship with someone to turn to is very important with things like this. As a freshman nobody truly understands what is going on. Adults had it differently and do not know what it is like as a freshman. It is very frustrating. All in all overcoming adversity and having friends to turn to is very imprint and I'm not sure what I would do without them. 

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