Sunday, December 17, 2017

LOTF Response 11/6

In Lord of The Flies I find the symbolism very interesting. Throughout the book he uses very subtle yet very good symbolism throughout the book. The word choice in this book pulls you as if you are apart of the book. This is interesting to me because he makes his gruesome scenes very gruesome but in other scenes that he is trying to get his point across he does so but using the right word choice to where it causes you to stop and think for a second about what is happening.
      I believe this is important throughout the book so far because this is one of the reasons this book has been such a success and must read book for young adult readers. This book has a special feeling when reading it like no other. This is in part to the word choice and symbolism. I believe this aspect is important in all books but Lord Of The Flies truly executes this.

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