Monday, April 30, 2018

Strengths and Challenges

I will first start off with my strengths and what I feel that I was able to improve on and strengthen this year. I felt that throughout the year I had a good voice when writing. I think that I was able to convey what I was saying in a good writer's voice. I felt that I was also able to get the ideas I needed and attempt to write them down without any organization. I felt that organization was a challenge for me this year but by doing essays and consistently writing blog posts my organization has become somewhat better.
     This class overall has helped me strengthen what I felt comfortable with but also helped me with things that I had struggled with. By writing papers and blogs every week I have had more opportunities to practice and work on these skills every week which has been extremely helpful.


  1. I can relate to your concerns about organization. I think that this class may have the most challenging this year in my learning to be more organized. Your thoughts about good voice is insightful because the way I see it, voice can make or break a book, or just about anything, so it is good you have a good one. I am impressed that you do. I work hard on that.

  2. I seem to actually have trouble with organization. I'm happy you didn't have such a hard time with it this year. Maybe you can help me next year.

  3. Organization was also a struggle for me and hopefully my writing has also helped me improve. Seems like you had a pretty easy year. Good job.
